
What Foods Should CKDPatients Avoid

Unfortunately this tip cannot be avoided, there are simply foods that are downright bad for your kidneys, and these need to be removed from your renal diet. Here are a list of foods deemed “bad” for kidney disease, and therefore should be avoided in your renal diet:

Red meat: See my article on negative effects of red meat here

Dairy: this includes, milk, butter, cream, ice-cream, yoghurt, and all dairy containing pre-made products.

Alcohol: ALL alcohol, including red wine.

Gluten: is found in flour based products; and therefore in the following grains: wheat, rye, spelt, kamut, oats, and barley. Safe gluten FREE grains and alternatives include: rice, corn, amaranth, millet, quinoa, sorghum, teff, and buckwheat.

Highly processed foods


There are many more foods that I could list, but these main categories encompass the best part of them. If you can follow an unprocessed, whole food renal diet, then meal times will be a breeze. If you resist change, and resort to processed, take-away, and pre-packaged foods, then you will struggle, and fail to realise the benefits that a healthy renal diet can have on you and your kidneys.


What are the Symptoms and Signs in Iga Nephropathy

The common signs and symptoms of IgA Nephropathy are as follows:

1. Gross Hematuria, characterized by continuous relapse, its duration of episodes keeps a direct ratio with its frequency.

2. The outbreak of Gross Hematuria is follows by a series of slight systematic discomforts, such as Low Temperature, General Malaise and Muscle Soreness etc. Some patients may have severe Backache and Abdominal Pain, which possibly relates to Intestinal IgA Vasculitis.

3. Just a few patients may be found to have Acute Oliguria Renal Failure Syndrome, which can remit with timely treatments, otherwise it will threaten patients’ lives.

4. After Gross Hematuria attacks, urine red blood cells may not be seen by naked eye, or turns into Persistent Microscopic Hematuria. If the majority of red blood cells in urine are deformed, it indicates Glomerular Hematuria or Mixed Hematuria sometimes.

5. Besides Gross Hematuria, Some patients may be accompanied by Acute Nephritis Syndrome, such as Temporary High Blood Pressure.

6. After Gross Hematuria disappears, about 60% patients with IgA Nephropathy may catch relapse, induced by the onset of Respiratory Tract Infection later on. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a tonsillectomy, if Amygdalitis repeats.

With the development of science and technology, a set of advanced technical theory together with brand new therapeutic equipments has been establish in Chinese Medicine, which achieves a great success in blocking Renal Fibrosis and repairing renal intrinsic cells clinically.

Treatments Options for Iga Nephropathy

Minimal Change of IgA nephropathy: it is known as the slightest stage in Lee Classification and most glomeruli are normal in this period. As clinical manifestations in this stage are not obvious, so it is easily neglected by the patients, thus delaying the treatment. Therefore, patient’s attitude to treatment is of great significance in this stage. If the disease can’t be treated timely, pathologic changes will develop worse, even contracted kidney. Therefore, early treatment is very important for the recovery of IgA Nephropathy.

The damage of glomeruli, induced by inflammation in renal tissues, is a reason for a great deal of Hematuria and Proteinuria in IgA Nephropathy patients. Once glomerulus is damaged, it fails to hold the protein and red blood cells in urine, which causes Proteinuria and Hematuria to occur.

The patients of IgA Nephropathy will present symptoms like hematuria and proteinuria, which are caused by the inflammation of the renal tissues. Consequently the pores of the damaged glomeruli become big and will filtrate protein, and white blood cells into the urine.

Then, what are the treatments and which is the best treatment for IgA Nephropathy Patients?

1. Immunosuppressive agents and hormones

Patients with IgA Nephropathy accompanied by Hypertension usually take immunosuppressive agents and cytotoxic agents to control the inflammation. But these western medicines have some side effects, and they can’t eliminate the toxins and waste products thoroughly and comprehensively which cause the inflammation. Besides, it can’t repair the damaged glomeruli. Their effects are just temporary, so it can′t be regarded as the best and ultimate treatment for IgA Nephropathy.

2. Traditional Chinese Medicines

Even though traditional Chinese medicine shows its many effects on IgA Nephropathy, it still has some disadvantages. Firstly, it needs a long time to show curative effects. Secondly, the reactive molecules of traditional Chinese medicine are not easily absorbed human body, which decreases the curative effects. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine eliminates both waste products and useful material in human body.

How to Prevent the Recurrence of IgA Nephropathy

For many patients with IgA, they just think that the disease is recovered with medications when there is no protein in urine, or the tests results turn negative. However, after a cold, or infection, the symptoms appear again.

In treating IgA Nephropathy, a much more scientific nursing and effective therapy play a crucial role in the recovery of the disease.

The deposit of large amount of immune complex starts the kidney fibrosis, causes immune medium damage of the glomerular blood capillary mesangial cells, and lead to the mesangial cells proliferation and shrinkage. Therefore, the physiological function for the mesangial cells to devour macromolecular substances decreases, red blood cells will be discharged out of the body with the blood circulation and clinically forms hematuria. For the treatment, we can’t only focus on eliminating the symptoms, but take some measures to repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and block the kidney fibrosis so IgA Nephropathy progress can be stopped.

Then how to prevent the recurrence of IgA Nephropathy, and achieve a better result than the medications?

There is a saying in treating diseases: when treating diseases, we should focus on the root cause of the disease, not only eliminating the superficial symptoms. So it is in treating IgA Nephropathy.

The Traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis The Hot Compress Therapy of Huaxia Kidney Disease Hospital mainly adopts the following ways to achieve a better effect.

Immunoadsorbent techniques: This method can eliminate the immune complex in the body and provide a favorable environment for the further treatment, and also prevent the further damage of the kidney.

Expanding the blood vessels: Traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis can effectively expand the blood vessels so as to improve the blood circulation, relieve the ischemia and anaerobic condition of the kidney inherent cells, and make preparations for repairing the epithelial cells and mesangial cells. It can block the kidney fibrosis from the disease root and prevent further damage.

Besides, Traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis has the functions of anti-inflammation and anticoagulation, reduce the soak of the inflammatory cells, and lighten the damage of the glomerular epithelial cells.

By these processes, IgA Nephropathy can be well treated and not easy to recur.

For in the early stage, IgA Nephropathy is always neglected, so when it is found out, the damage of the kidneys may have already happened. In order to avoid such poor prognosis, it is important to take some tests to have a clear diagnosis so when the disease is found out in the early stage, corresponding treatment can be adopted to prevent the worse conditions.

Buckwheat Pancakes,Raspberries,Walnuts and Maple Syrup for Your Kidney Disease

1. The overall effect of this recipe on the body is alkalising – which is one of the most important actions necessary to retaining and maintaining good kidney function.

2. Buckwheat is a fantastic gluten free grain, that not only allows for delicious pancakes to be made, but because it is gluten free it is totally edible for those with IgA Nephropathy kidney disease. Gluten exacerbates this condition.

3. And lastly because it is packed with two super foods: raspberries and walnuts. Both of these super foods actually have qualities that are beneficial for the kidneys. Particularly as seen from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective. Raspberries enrich and cleanse the kidneys, control urinary function, and treat anemia – which is a common complication of kidney disease. Walnuts on the other hand nourish the kidney-adrenals, including the brain.

A definite must to spice up your kidney diet!

2 cups gluten-free buckwheat flour

1 cup soy milk

300g fresh raspberries

1 egg, lightly beaten

2 tbsp raw sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

canola oil cooking spray

50g walnuts

½ cup organic maple syrup

Optional: 2 tbsp Goji berries if desired


Sift buckwheat flour and cinnamon into a large bowl and then stir in raw sugar

Then make a well in the centre of the flour, and slowly whisk in egg, soy milk, and 1 cup of water to a smooth consistency

Cover non-stick frying pan with a light cooking oil

Add 2–3 tbsp of the batter and cook over medium, flip once cooking side is golden brown

Flip pancake and heat other side.

Remove and keep warm between two large plates while cooking remaining batter.

To dish up, stack pancakes upon each other and top with raspberries, walnuts and maple syrup .

Can Juice Recipe Help Reverse Your Kidney Disease

Can Juice Recipe Help Reverse Your Kidney Disease
Juicing is the perfect natural treatment for renal disease, as it is easy, very safe, cost effective, and tastes great! Juicing literally takes the best of the plant, concentrates it, and delivers the benefits in such a manner that the body absorbs virtually all of it. Have you tried eating 2 apples, 3 carrots, a handful of celery, a knob of ginger, and a slice of cucumber all at once? I am sure a lot of it would pass right through you if you did – not to mention I would feel sorry for your poor stomach, as that’s quite a lot! But that’s where juicing is fantastic, it allows us to consume a much larger portion of vegetables than we ordinarily would, thereby giving us the a ‘therapeutic dose’, and without giving us a bloated stomach.

Juicing is not just about providing your body with naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, juicing will also help heal your kidneys, give your entire body a cleanse, and flush out any toxins. You see plants give us so much more than standard nutrients, they give us phytonutrients.

“Phytonutrients in specific plant foods are some of the most powerful biological response modifiers scientists have yet discovered.” Phytonutrients can be defined as plant derived nutrients.

Phytonutrients can be defined as: chemical compounds such as isoflavones that occur naturally in plants. Plants produce these substances for various reasons, including, structure, chemical messengers, protection from harmful organisms or insects or even attracting pollinating insects. Once eaten by humans though, these substances take on a new role. Using isoflavones as an example, isoflavones can balance the female hormonal system and protect them from breast cancer.

12 centimetres watermelon

2 tablespoons raspberry

6 strawberries

1 carrot

½ cucumber

½ cup parsley

Method: use a juicer to juice each individual ingredient into a single container. Stir and serve. Drink 2-5 glasses per week. Drink within 24 hours.

Now I must follow this up by saying that this is one piece to the puzzle to healing your kidneys, and should be used in conjunction with other natural treatments. A famous Australian doctor, Dr. Sandra Cabot, mentions in her “Raw Juices Can Save Your Life” book that her grandmother was struck by kidney disease, and by using juices alone cured her condition. While I think it is excellent to practice juicing where possible, I think it would be unwise just to do this alone. When combined with nutrition, diet, exercise, and herbal medicine, you have a powerful combination.


What Are the Causes of Renal Cyst

1 Congenital maldevelopment:
Congenital maldevelopment can cause many kinds of renal diseases, such as madullary sporge renal, MCDK, etc mainly.
2 Genic mutation
Most of the polycystic renal disease patients are inherited from their parents, divided into autosomal dominant inheritance and autosomal recessive inheritance. But, there are also polycystic renal disease patients who are neither heritance nor congenital maldevelopment, but genic mutation during the time of embryogenesis. In the course of embryogenesis, due to the effects of various factors, the genes occurs mutation, forming polycystic renal disease. This condition may occur, although rare. Therefore, some polycystic renal disease is not caused by heritance from their parents.
3 Various infections
Infection may lead to abnormal change amid body circumstance, which shape excellent environment and condition in favor of cystic genes changing. This could increase the activity amid cystic inner environment, which could make cyst generate.
4 Toxins
Toxins can cause all kinds of Immunotherapy, tissue, and organs damage to human body, thus, occurring disease, even, risk life. What’s more, it is one of the main causes of genic mutation, congenital abnormal development, and other phenomenon.
5 Diet
(1) improper diet (2) unclean diet (3) dietary bias
6 Labor and rest unregularly
(1) excessive labor (2) give a lot of care (3) sexual indulgence
7 Emotional factor
Unhealthy emotional change can make Neurological and internal excretion Disorders in body, thus, changing the internal environment of body through the effects of neurohumor, which affect the cysts as well.
8 Gestation
In general, what effects gestation will have on polycystic renal disease is mainly determined by renal function condition. Although, at present no data can prove that gestation can quicken the course of polycystic renal disease, patient with multiple gestation and accompanied with hypertension has mal-prognosis, but also 1/4 female polycystic renal disease patients occur hypertension or their hypertension are deteriorated during gestation. Therefore, multiple gestations will have adverse effects on prognosis of female polycystic renal disease patients. Of course, the polycystic renal disease patients mentioned above are with normal renal function. If renal function is abnormal, gestation will cause more danger for female polycystic renal disease patient.