
Kidney Disese Patients Should Do Regular Blood Tests

Kidney Disese Patients Should Do Regular Blood Tests
I cannot emphasise how important it is to get your blood regularly tested. Blood tests help in the following ways:

Monitors the progression of your condition

Tracks that your treatments are working

Informs you of any abnormal developments in your health

Allows you to tailor your diet to suit your needs e.g. potassium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamin D, and calcium levels

By knowing the current state of your body, and understanding that state, you’re better equipped to make positive changes. It is shown people feel more in control and are more likely to make the changes when they understand their condition and all facets related to their condition.

It will show you your current percentage of kidney function

The best blood tests to assess your renal failure are:

Estimated glomerular filtration rate


24hr creatinine clearance



Kidney biopsy


