
Why is Kidney Tumor Becoming More Common

The rise in kidney tumor, also known as renal cell carcinoma, has a heck of a lot to do with the modern way of living. Men whom drink lots of alcohol, eat lots of red meat, and are overweight, are most at risk of developing this tumor . Your kidneys are responsible for eliminating water-soluble toxins, waste products, acids and metabolites from the body. Men and women with a poorer quality lifestyle will be exposing their kidneys to more toxins, acidity and oxidative damage.

According to one study performed by scientists from Uruguay, a high meat intake, especially from barbecued meats, caused a 3.4 increase in the risk of developing kidney tumor in men. That’s huge. One barbeque isn’t necessarily going to give you kidney tumor. But consider what weekend after weekend of eating charcoal meat, drinking alcohol and smoking might do to your kidneys after several decades.

People who are exposed to toxins and industrial by-products at work are also more at risk. If you work in a steel works or near coke ovens, studies show that there is a significantly greater risk that you will develop kidney tumor. Wearing the proper protective gear is so simple and so important. But at the end of the day, the evidence all points towards living a clean and toxin-free lifestyle in order to reduce your risk.

