
The Kidney Failure Symptoms Self-Check List

The Kidney Failure Symptoms Self-Check List
How to use the kidney symptoms checklist:

①.Scan the list of renal failure symptoms below, and circle the corresponding number(to the right) of each symptom you have experienced in the past 14 days.

②.Once completed, add up all the numbers you have circled.

③.Cross check the total number against the ‘Kidney Failure Symptoms Grading Index’ to find out your likelihood of kidney disease.

1. Fluid retention throughout the body 12

2. Skin ‘greyish’ in colour 12

3. Current or past history of kidney stones 8

4. Infrequent urination 8

5. Decreased urine output 6

6. Lower back pain, mild to moderate 3

7. Excessive urination 3

8. Difficult to pass urine 3

9. Dark yellow; brown; cloudy; or bloody urine 3

10. Foamy or bubbly urination 2

11. Increased urination at night 2

12. Dripping after urination 1

13. Inconsistent urine stream 1

14. Strong smelling urine 1

15. Increased urge to urinate 1

16. Burning during urination 1

17. Fatigue 1

18. Mental confusion and/or poor concentration 1

19. Itchy skin 1

20. Nausea and/or vomiting 1

21. Reduced skin elasticity, and dry 1

22. Shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing 1

23. Bruising easily 1

24. Low libido 1

25. Weakness 1

26. Muscle cramps and stiffness 1

27. Dizziness 1

28. Bad breath 1

29. Thirst, strong 1

30. High blood pressure 1

31. Anemia 1

Kidney Failure Symptoms Grading Index:

Low Likelihood of Kidney Disease = 0 to 5

Moderate Likelihood of Kidney Disease = 6 to 11

High Likelihood of Kidney Disease = 12+

