
Simple Renal Cyst and Hematuria

Simple Renal Cyst and Hematuria
Simple Renal Cyst is a common kidney disease among Renal Cyst. The incidence of Simple Renal Cyst is increased with the age. Simple Renal Cyst can occur unilaterally or bilaterally with one or several cysts. When renal cyst is small people can live with it without any discomforts or symptoms. But when Simple Renal Cyst grow bigger, it can press surrounding renal tissues and cause the condition of renal ischemia and anoxia. If the condition lasts a long term, it can cause a series of symptoms. Then, can Simple Renal Cyst cause hematuria?

The small renal cyst can not cause great pressure to its surrounding tissues, so people can live with it without any discomforts. When renal cyst grows lager, it causes the condition of renal ischemia and anoxia. If it is not positively treated, this condition can lead to renal intrinsic cell damage or dead. Thus, renal function is greatly damaged and the filtration barrier can be destroyed. As a result, red blood cell run into urine without obstacle namely Hematuria.

Besides, when the simple renal cyst grows larger, if patients don not pay attention to this and make it rupture, it can also lead to Hematuria. In this condition, it is more danger to catch infection which can threaten people′s life. Further more, patients can also suffer edema on ankles or even all over the body.

