
Best Diet for People with Stage 3 CKD

The first thing is to make clear weather there is chronic kidney disease. According to the guidance in the United States the diagnosis can be confirmed in case of more than 3 months proteinuria, hematuria or abnormal serum creatinine. Another criterion is glomerular filtration rate being lower than 60ml/min. At this time, patients should have low-protein diets.

Then patients should measure the severity of kidney damages and regulate the intake of protein accordingly. Chronic kidney disease can be classified into 5 stages. Stage 3 chronic kidney disease has already exist moderate abnormalities of kidney functions and stage 4 needs preparation for renal replacement therapy and stage 5 patients need to take dialysis and kidney transplant.

Generally speaking, patients need to take scientific and systemic treatments from stage 4. Those that haven’t entered into stage 3 should limit the daily protein intake within 0.8g/kg. And after entering stage 3 should limit protein intake within 0.6g/kg. In stage of uremia , daily protein intake should be controlled within 0.4g/kg.

Then how to calculate the proper protein intake in specific diets? Take a simple example, if your weight is 70kg, the daily protein intake should be about 42g---that is to say one egg, one box of milk, 0.05 kg bread, 0.1g lean meat and 0.1g rice.

However we know that protein is very necessary for maintaining normal life activities and building up the structure and tissues of the body, therefore patients should have moderate amount of protein supply especially in case of protein leakage in urine. It is very hard to balance the proper amount of protein intake, therefore high-quality protein is a good choice because high-quality protein will produce fewer metabolic wastes and at the same time meet the body’s needs. High quality proteins include milk, egg, fish and lean meat.

