Uremia is a condition in which the body is unable to remove metabolic wastes and toxins from blood to maintain water, electrolyte, acid-base balance. Uremia usually refers to the severe renal failure. In the end-stage renal failure, GFR is less than 15. In most cases, damage many systems of the body.
Cardiovascular diseases:
Damaged kidneys lead to water retention or edema. High blood pressure is aggravated in end-stage renal failure. Also a sudden rise in potassium can increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Retention, aggravated high blood pressure and rise of potassium increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases attack.
Respiratory diseases:
Short of breath is a symptom of respiratory disease. Pulmonary edema is very dangerous which may lead to death.
Sensory Effects:
Peripheral neuropathy may happen to patients with uremia that usually are in upper extremities. The manifestations of sensory problems include weakness and dizziness. Cerebral edema may cause metal confusion.
Sexual diseases:
Estrogen production and testosterones is reduced duet to effects of uremia toxins. Man with uremia may experience ED and has no desire of sexual life.
Metabolic System:
Impaired kidneys are unable to excrete medications or waste products. Medications and chemotherapy may cause severe toxicity problems. The kidneys are unable to maintain electrolyte balance.