Some useful suggestions as follows:
Water and sodium
High blood volume is very common even among early nephritis patients. Limiting the intake of water and sodium intake through diets can help relieve high blood volume so as to help reduce water and sodium retention, lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart failure.
A protein-controlled diet is necessary for nephritis and high blood pressure. The significance of a low-protein diet is that less protein-related wastes can be reduced such as urea nitrogen, creatinine, etc. Therefore it can help reduce burdens to the already inflamed kidneys and help slow down illness deterioration.
Celery is a natural diet therapy for nephritis patients with high blood pressure. It can be cooked or you can have the celery juice which are very helpful for lowering high blood pressure. Besides there are many foods in our daily life that can help reduce high blood pressure such as spinach, black fungus, fresh corn, mungbean sprout, etc.
It has been found that if high blood pressure can be well controlled, the risk of cardiovascular complications can be much reduced and patients can have a better prognosis.